Saturday, May 7, 2011

Giving Is Good for You!

In hard economic times like these is natural to want to tighten up the budget and to monitor your discretionary spending. But I'm going to suggest something that might seem at first glance counterintuitive but is in keeping with the universal law of abundance.

Don't stop giving to charities or those in need!

It doesn't matter how much you give. It could be $5.00 for someone who is short of cash in the grocery line. It just matters that you give something. Why? Because when you give without fear you are reminding yourself that have enough, and you are trusting that money and opportunites will continue to come your way. You are broadcasting abundance!

This spring I gave up my golf club membership and I didn't sign up for another round of Zumba classes and instead I made a commitment to myself to sign up for charity walks and golf tournaments.

Today I've signed up for a golf tournament that benefits a trust fund for the grandchildren of a friend of mine whose son recently died of ALS. Last weekend I signed up for an MS 3K walk/run and the next day I went to a silent auction/fashion show to benefit one of my favorite charities. In the silent auction I was the sole low bidder for a months membership at Golds Gym and a chinese massage, all for the price of a $40 bid!

So I'm back to zumba classes, and those along with the golf tournaments, charity walks/runs and long power walks along the river trail (free!) my body is fit and will be so appreciative of the chinese massage I've booked next week!

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