Friday, July 22, 2011

The Today Show Explores Life without Children

I have been invited to join The Today Show crew on Tuesday, July 26 to explore how and why an increasing number of Americans are ending up childless by choice or by circumstance.

I have spent the last 6 years exploring that same topic through my book Two Is Enough and the soon-to-be released documentary The Childless by Choice Project, and what I can say is that more people are recognizing that they do have the choice to remain childless if they wish.

Parenthood is not inevitable or fated or necessary to enjoy a purposeful and fulfilling life. The people who are embracing a life without biological children know this but their peers, friends, and family sometimes don't believe it is possible to be happy without kids of your own.

This is one of the challenges as I coach couples and individuals on their reproductive decision making. They want to be confident that they are making the right choice for themselves if they choose to remain childless but it's tough when people are second guessing you all the time.

So I am pleased that The Today Show is willing to take an honest look at how and why people make this decision and is willing to explore the stigma that still exists around the choice to remain childless.

I will also be a guest on the NPR radio show On Issue with Ben Merens on Monday, July 25th at 6 p.m. EST. Call in if you have a question. I'd love to talk with you about your reproductive decision making!